How To Stop Blushing

How To Stop Blushing my cure and how you can use my blushing cure

You are about to learn how I discovered a way to reduce my blushing.  And not only reduce but some days completely cure it.

Well hello there I am so glad you found my blog, firstly let me introduce myself.

My name is Zach Smith,












I have been suffering from severe blushing for the best part of 25 years now and as you know it is an absolutely crippling condition. in fact, the doctors diagnosed me as showing signs of Erythrophobia which is a fear or phobia of blushing. Not only this my sympathetic nervous system is out of sync and I suffered from both psychological and physical blushing symptoms


Just recently after so many methods and so many years I found a way to help reduce the blushing I could not be happier  you can read the full story by clicking on the link below

How To Stop Blushing my cure

Over time I have researched, consumed and written down a whole library of information on how to stop blushing you can follow the links below to some of the information I found/researched it is my goal for this blog to become a hub for my fellow blushers and help you find blushing cures to.

So if you are new here or even a regular reader make sure you first check out miracle track hypnosis, and also be sure to bookmark my stop blushing blog where I will be talking about anything blushing related. I will be blogging about my life on blushing, and talking about how we can find cures together.

Also make sure you click on the related products tab to where I talk about the panic away program and review many other blushing products.


PS: All of you can probably relate to this, and I would love to read your replies in the comments section below I’m also going to start a facebook page called How To Stop Blushing my cures to so any of my readers want to jump over there to engage please do


So before I found what I call my blushing cure this is how I suffer daily….

Seriously this condition has been a complete nightmare to live with and it HAS pretty much ruined my life, I used to be able to socialise play football I was confident, outgoing popular then EVERYTHING changed I don’t EVEN know what triggered it

BUT all of a sudden I started to blush well I thought it was normal blushing but I would blush at EVERYTHING

I couldn’t talk to close friends/family without blushing, I couldn’t go to the shops, weddings, friends houses, family houses. I couldn’t eat in front of anyone I just could not do ANYTHING for fear of blushing

I would blush if it’s hot

I would blush if it’s cold

I would blush if I’m stressed

I would blush if I have sex

I would blush if spoken to

I would blush if I’m put on the spot

I would blush if I’m eating in front of people

I would blush if I’m meeting someone

I would blush if I bump into someone

I would blush if I drink

I would blush if I eat spicy food

I would blush if I am embarrassed ( that’s normal though lol 🙂 )

I would blush at literally everything

In fact, I hate saying I’m blushing because that is NORMAL, the root cause of my problem is called Erythrophobia which is the fear of facial blushing. To be clear I do have my bad days but I also have some good days where my flushing/blushing is not as intense as I am taking beta blockers


This is one of my bad days……

So every day I wake up and the first thing I think about is how red is my face this morning, go to the mirror check myself out and think oh god here we go again I’m like a Tomato I mean seriously sometimes it looks like someone has literally ripped my head off and stuck a tomato there instead

It’s ok I got my propranolol pills from the docs so ill pop one of those its ment to help with the flushing not sure it does though.

I cycle into work, its soooooo cold got my face mask on so it’s all good I’m not feeling to flustered

walk into work say hello to a workmate his looking right at my face, oh no it feels ok, don’t tell me its bright red. Make my way to the nearest mirror yep super blush alert


No escape I have to walk into the office and keeping my head down I manage to get to my work area in front of a fan a little bit of relief I’m thinking….

So I work inside for a few hours until delivery but let me tell you today was a LONG few hours.

A manager called me over and directed me to a different work section, stared right at my face I could tell he wanted to tell me I’m looking flustered, but as his a manager they have to be diverse.

So I make my way to a busy part of the sorting office and it happened….

The loudest cockiest prick of the office took one look at me and shouted out to me WHY ARE YOU SO RED???? I said I’m not, he replied yes every time I look at you your even redder, look at how red he is everyone with that about 20 people turned to look at me.

Christ nowhere to run or hide I just had to walk away and compose myself, once I had calmed down I went back to my work area feeling undermined, stupid, embarrassed, belittled.


after a long 9 hour shift, I got back on the bike and it was home time.

The wife greeted me and reminded me about the school meeting at 4 pm ok dear, oh noooo forgot about that started to feel anxious and working myself up about how flustered I would be.

A quick bath and ready to meet the teacher, hands are sweaty keep checking in reflections mmmm not looking to red time to sit down with the teacher.

She shakes my hand I’ve got myself all worked up about how red my face is looking, so I’m sweating a little she seems to wipe her hands on her trousers after shaking my hand. Oh dear, my face instantly feels like it’s going to explode and she is talking to me directly about my son this time no escape.

NOWHERE TO RUN, NOWHERE TO HIDE just had to deal with it.

Maybe I wasn’t that red she never said anything or did anything to indicate that I may be red still almost another day of torture over.

I get back indoors settle down for dinner ONLY to remember I am meant to be going to self-defense.


It’s been a bad day I decide to myself I just cannot go today, as I’ve had so many blushing episodes I simply could not deal with another So I decided to hide away for the rest of the evening until bed

Then do it all over again tomorrow 🙁

I think you can relate to me right? we all need to find out How To Stop Blushing

Having been diagnosed as having a physical problem initially, I now have both the physical and psychological problems and by finding ways to help with the fear side of blushing some days I feel like my blushing has been cured.

Now remember there are many causes for flushing but in all cases, I think there is a psychological element that can be reduced with CBT and or hypnotherapy. So these tips below will help you on your journey to find out how to stop blushing.


Diet tips to help reduce flushing can include consuming what is called cooling foods such as cucumber, grapefruit, yogurt, melon, broccoli, sage, seaweed, etc Google yin foods for more choices.

Avoid consuming what’s called heating foods or yang foods for example coffee, tea, alcohol, onions, peppers, spices red meat again Google yang foods for more choices.

Be sure to keep a food diary so you can pinpoint what food causes the most flushing and what foods help reduce it and make sure to avoid the bad and eat the good.

Make sure you drink plenty of water keep hydrated mineral water would be preferred, get the recommended levels of sleep and be sure to exercise.

You can help to stop blushing by learning to control your blood flow, I know crazy right? but if you spend 5 minutes per day imagining that your hands are being held over an open fire. When you feel the blush coming on you can direct the blood flow to your hands and reduce the blushing in your face.

Antihistamines can help they are not a prescribed medicine and can help with flushing I used cetirizine but every person is different so you will have to do your research. Also try taking vitamin D 1000, vitamin b complex, Magnesium, and Calcium.

There are many solutions and options teaching you how to stop blushing so I suggest you read around this site, do your research and use due diligence to tailor your own personal plan to help alleviate your facial flushing.

click here to learn how did I cure my blushing