Facial Flushing Treatments


In slow motion I watched as a boiling hot cup of Tea came hurtling towards my face, splash!!! the hot liquid hit my cheek burning the flesh as it hit me.  Yelling at my brother FFS Marcus what are you doing ARRGGGHHHHH IT BURNS!!!!!!!.

You idiot Marcus where’s the Sudacream? Marcus pass me the sudacream I need to sort this burn out fast.


Quite a while goes by but no relief comes, it’s burning I check the tube out Christ its only my dad’s Haemorrhoid Cream no wonder it’s not working.


I check the mirror to see my wound, shit what’s happening? my skin around the burn looks to be less red that it usually is that’s odd.

Hi there my name is Zach Smith I suffer from severe facial blushing and I want to share with you some strange but effective facial flushing treatments techniques I have found that worked for me.

I’m going to reveal these weird techniques with you so keep reading.

So I have been suffering with facial flushing for over 25 years now, and I have spent many many hours looking for facial flushing treatments that work.

You name it I have tried it, pills, lotions, medical tests, therapy, CBT, group sessions, makeup etc etc without much success


And I BET you are in the same boat right????

Luckily I DID find ways natural ways that helped me reduce my facial blushing, have you been looking for a cure for years?

NONE of them worked?

How Can Haemorrhoid Cream Work For Flushing?

Are you looking for natural facial flushing treatments that work? Read on to find out how my Dads bum cream helped reduce my flushing lol.

I mean REALLY!!! Haemorrhoid cream to include in your facial flushing treatments? it’s probably the LAST thing you would use on your face for blushing.

But when you think about it Haemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear in your anus or around it, and Haemorrhoid creams contain horse chestnut seeds that reduce inflammation.

Haemorrhoid creams also contain a vasoconstrictor which will reduce blood flow to the affected area.

Thing is I wasn’t truly comfortable with putting my dads Arse cream on my face, but I do have a link for a product that helped me finally cure my blushing by 90%

click here to read more

These different ingredients are in my opinion surely going to help with flushing too, well they did for me so it’s worth a go. Of course, this isn’t going to solve your blushing, it’s more cosmetic but if this helps relieve your symptoms then it’s surely worth trying.

Just apply a light covering of Haemorrhoid cream to the affected areas like cheeks and forehead, and this will help shrink the small blood vessels under the skin.

Your skin can become heated to when suffering from a blush/flush and Haemorrhoid cream can also help cool down the skin.

What a weird little trick to include in your facial flushing treatments huh? talk about ARSE about FACE 🙂


Ok Ok I know I said more facial flushing treatments you wouldn’t even think of!!!! well….

This is probably a more commonly known treatment and that is to use Aloe Vera to help cure facial blushing and redness.

You can apply Aloe Vera soap to the skin, which can reduce redness and cool down the skin. Also if you apply sap from Aloe Vera leaves that has been extracted you can apply this to your face for the same effect.

Chamomile another facial flushing treatment

Ok Chamomile another similar treatment to Aloe Vera, but if you were to extract the fresh juice of chamomile this can be applied to the face to reduce the intensity of a blush.

Also, you can use a Chamomile tea bag soak this is cold water then again apply this all over the affected area of the face and this can help reduce the blush

Ice Packs


Ok this is probably more common sense plus may be difficult to get hold of, but if you are at home and if you feel a severe blush coming then simply sip on an ice cube to reduce your body’s core temperature that will help.

Run the ice pack over your face to moisten it with the cold condensation. If you are out go get a cold drink from a fast food restaurant ask for extra ice hold the ice cubes in your mouth it will help you cool down.

Does peppermint help reduce blushing?

Ok this is a new one I have not tried this myself but I’m going to, I’m just throwing it out there from my research. But peppermint leaves can be crushed up, using the juice from these leaves you apply to the affected areas of your face which can help reduce blushing.

Wash off after a few minutes…..

Ok so there are a few methods above that should help cure your blushing but there are so many facial flushing treatments out there, and of course, what works for one person may not work for another.

If you are looking for a total cure for blushing then I highly recommend reading this post and checking out the product.

I spent years trying to mask the problem instead of trying to tackle the root cause, of course, the methods above worked for me but only provided tempory help.

That being said along with the above methods and the product that cured my blushing by up to 90% I can pretty much say I have

found my blushing cure. 🙂

to read more about my blushing cure click here
