Can Blushing Be Totally Cured

Hey everyone Zach here

So going through questions in my email,

I have a regular reader on my blog called Craig, well let’s just call him Craig. So he asks me can Blushing be totally cured? and well, to be honest, I had to tell him….

how to stop blushing

I don’t really know the answer to that I simply do not know.

I talk about right here on this blog, how I cured my blushing by up to 90% and that the physiological part of the problem I believe I have cured. And I cured this by learning to rewire my brain using the miracle track hypnosis which you can get here.

As for the Physical part of chronic blushing, I’m not sure what correlates to a cure, but there are many different conditions. And these many different conditions are treated by many various methods. My knowledge goes only as far as finding treatments to help alleviate the blushing, typically we are treating the symptoms but not the cause.

Blushing is, of course, a natural normal thing, a sudden strong emotion or stress will cause the sympathetic nervous system to widen blood vessels in the face. Because the blood vessels in the face are closer to the skin we will naturally blush.

This is a normal reaction.

But for us chronic blushers, Rosacea sufferers etc we suffer so badly with it we have to find ways to help alleviate the symptoms. We suffer so severely it alters the way we lead our lives, but so-called normal people don’t realise how badly we suffer.

So Craig in answer to your question yes to my mind there is a cure for the physiological part of blushing. But for the Physical part of blushing, there is no total cure as far as I know although there is surgery as an option.

You may think surgery is a cure, but again all we are doing is alleviating the blushing again we are treating the symptoms, not the cause. And that’s the whole thing the medical world does not know why we blushers suffer from extreme blushing symptoms.

There is just not enough research put into what causes severe blushing, but maybe one day with advancing medical research and stem cell research may be a cure to ACTUALLY cure the root cause of blushing will finally be found.

But if surgery is the route you feel you want to go down it is a procedure called ETS surgery, however, I know you will be desperate but before even considering this highly risky operation then read my post here.

ETS surgery for blushing

But for now Craig, I understand that you have a developed a fear of blushing which is known as Erythrophobia. It is one of the main parts of my excessive blushing and I was able to find what I call a cure. You see I was, unfortunately, ending up with more severe blushing as I had developed anxiety about blushing or a fear of blushing. Of course, this would make the blushing far more severe as I would be constantly worried about blushing, constantly worried about how I’m looking.

This fear made the blushing worse, or appear to be worse as I’m sure you can relate Craig?


For me, I would call it a cure as at least through the specialist hypnotherapy treatment it has treated my fear of blushing, which seemed to be causing the BIGGEST red attacks for me. So even though we are just treating the symptoms and not the cause. It proved to be my cure, by helping me with Erythrophobia.

In my mind people who suffer from chronic blushing, will all go on to developed Erythrophobia and will need to find a treatment that suits them.

For me, it was miracle track hypnosis and maybe it can help cure your blushing to which you can read more here.

I really hope science finds what exactly causes us to blush more extremely than normal people but for now, I’ll take the cures I’ve found as I’m living and loving life again.

As always would love to engage with you and hear your thoughts, ideas and solutions past treatments etc. 🙂

All the best
