Facial Flushing Treatments 5 Natural Tips

Having suffered with facial flushing for the best part of 25 years now, I have googled and researched tried and tested many facial flushing treatments.

Some work, some work a little, some just do not do ANYTHING the treatment that worked for me you can find out more here.

It may also help if you can find out what type of facial flushing you have as there are different treatments.  My dermatologist diagnosed me with benign cutaneous flushing.

There are so many different types of flushing, we will have to talk about those in a different post.

But in all my experience it does seem that when you find a potential facial flushing treatment, it’s not a case of one size fits all.  It’s pretty much down to the individual what works for one person may not work for another I found.

I cannot say 100 per cent but my journey has been a total case of trial and error. You just have to get out there and try these remedies, potions, pills surgery whatever.

But the purpose of this blog is to talk about my experiences over the years.  What has finally worked for me and maybe will work for you to.  You can click here to see what worked for me maybe you will find a way to.

So there are MANY things that you can try to help alleviate your symptoms. Maybe not cure as there may be underlying conditions that are causing your problems.

Over the years I have tried many facial flushing treatments….

I have had intense pulsed light treatment


MANY MANY antidepressants

Brimonidine creams

cover up makeup


natural weird treatments

magic mushrooms

Chinese herbal stuff

CBT therapy

natural remedies

Some have helped some have not but I like to think the natural remedies have worked BEST

5 NATURAL TIPS to help with facial flushing


There has been no scientific research to verify using cucumber as a remedy to calm facial redness. As facial flushing treatments go cucumber has been documented as a natural remedy for hundreds of years.

There are early records that date back to 1649 where botanist and physician Nicholas Culpeper documented the benefits of cucumber, where it reduced redness from the face.


You could try this as a daily treatment by blending a cool cucumber from the fridge and then applying this to the face, don’t leave it on to long though untill it dries out.


You need a diet that will reduce systemic inflammation so we need an anti-inflammatory diet an example can be seen here. The key thing here is to avoid trigger foods, most that fall into this category are spicy foods, alcohol, coffee hot drinks etc. And then introduce more cooling foods such as cucumber, celery, apple, grapes, melon, peach, coconut and spinach.

But a total diet change can help


The key here is to actually draw attention to your blushing when you feel an attack coming. Remember blushing is nature’s way of showing embarrassment, shyness or shame. When there is a trigger there for it to happen and the blusher just wants to run and hide.

But what if we were to simply confront the fear of blushing, so for example someone tells me I’m going red for whatever reason but I simply face up to it and say yes I think I’m as red as a tomato and laugh about it.

We blush because we fear we look different, we fear we look like a freak and people won’t accept us. In reality, I don’t think anyone really gives a toss, and in the situations where we blushers feel an attack coming if we just face the fear and become shameless, I think this will really help.


Aloe Vera is a great home cure for facial flushing it is a commonly used natural remedy. Apply Aloe sap over the face it can reduce facial redness plus has a very cooling effect on the skin.

There are in fact so many facial flushing treatments out there from natural remedies to medical solutions, diets, creams, pills, surgery etc it’s just a minefield.

I want to go in-depth on solutions that I feel will help your individual cause and facial flushing treatments that I have personally used may well help you to.

To see what currently worked for me just click here