Cure For Blushing Nifty Home Remedies

Hey guys Zach here

So today I just wanted to talk about natural blushing cures we can do from home. On this blog, we have talked about pills, creams, surgery, therapy. diets, makeup EVERYTHING you could think of. But I will keep blogging, keep researching and there will be something for everyone on this blog. Of course, miracle track hypnosis was the product I used that helped cure my blushing by up to 90%, you can read about that here.

So let us dive right in. 🙂


Ok, so let us start with some obvious nifty home remedies that we can utilize to at least calm the intensity of our blushing or even stop it completely with practice.


Remember even though our blushing is physical, psychological or both our brain controls everything. When we feel that we are turning bright red, if we were to take in slow deep controlled breathing this will help us relax. The brain will relax our bodies will stop producing stress hormones, our blood pressure will go back to normal levels and the heart rate will slow down. This will all help in reducing our blood flow to the face, it may reduce the blushing or stop it completely.


For me if I am in a hot room I will turn bright red like a Tomato, I avoid hot rooms like the plague. If it’s freezing cold outside and I’m in the car I won’t have the heater on, in fact, I have the air conditioning on. When its summer I wear factor 50 sunscreen to help reduce redness on my face. Also, I keep hydrated, drink lots of water that helps too.


I have done this and it does work if you feel a bad blush coming on let it happen. If you try and hide it the blushing gets worse, I know this is a hard one and may not be for you to try it. Accept the blush even tell the person, oh god I’m feeling very red they will probably laugh it off and tell you oh you’re not that bad.

Then you will feel normal and the blushing should subside its a mind game thing again that’s why miracle track hypnosis helped me so much. I always find it weird that whenever I go up to the doctors to talk about my chronic blushing, I usually ask him am I red and more often than not the GP says I’m not to bad.


So all these are kind of common sense but so simple as well that some blushers may not even think to try these. So identify your triggers mine are the sun, alcohol, spicy food, stress, sex, hot drinks, hot rooms etc the list goes on. This is, of course, a difficult one as if you start avoiding ALL the triggers ALL the time then daily life just gets more restricted. I only avoid these if I am going into a high-stress environment say meeting new people the next day or socializing.


Ok so being happy smiling and laughing will help keep your stress levels low, and this will regulate your body’s natural stress response. There is a study where people who carried out extremely stressful tasks or faced with stressful situations but carried on laughing and smiling kept their heart rates lower.  People who carried out the same tasks but didn’t smile or laugh were shown to have higher heart rates.


So more often than not when I find myself blushing I am around other human beings. Most of the time whatever social interaction I have with that person, something has triggered the blushing. So this may not be the best action to take but if I feel a bad blushing session coming on is to avoid eye contact and then just literally walk away from the person until I’ve calmed myself down.


Most of the time when we blush, it gets worse as we start to fear the blush then it gets worse. We constantly fear being judged on why we are going red and start to constantly fear situations where we know we will blush. This is the way our brain is now wired and I think is responsible for making our blushing more intense. We need to learn to fight the brain, tell it no you are not going to let me blush.

Let’s start fighting against the negative thoughts, let us try and start not giving to flying F**KS that we are about to blush. I needed help with this so I used hypnotherapy called stop blushing hypnosis which you can download here.

So I hope you got some ideas here, you can take my thoughts and what I write and develop them for yourself but I have used these techniques and it certainly helped. Go to the home page below to find out more about my story and find out how to stop blushing.

