Mirvaso Gel And The Mirvaso Rebound Visit

Ok guys

So as you may have read I have tried MANY MANY different treatments in all the years I have suffered from chronic blushing. I just wanted to talk about Mirvaso Gel and the good the bad and the ugly of using this product. It reared its ugly head again as I had just an email from a fellow blusher who had been prescribed Mirvaso Gel but had a VERY bad reaction to using it.

This reaction is known as Mirvaso rebound, there are a growing number of negative reviews but don’t forget there are positive reviews too. I am going to include a few positive reviews and negative reviews from actual users so you can decide if to use it or not. I can’t advise you on what to do, but PLEASE do your research before using Mirvaso Gel. I had an extremely bad experience using it, been over a year now and my baseline red is still redder than it used to be. I will link to my original story here but talk about it in brief again below.

mirvaso gel


Mirvaso gel contains the active ingredient brimonidine tartrate, this is a type of medicine named alpha agonist. It works via stimulating alpha receptors found on the muscle in the walls of blood vessels. The blood vessels will narrow and constrict decreasing the blood vessels below the surface of the face. Mirvaso gel is only a temporary solution not a cure for facial blushing but can enable a sufferer to live a normal life during their normal day.


It’s a good read I promise!!!!!

So I had been researching for literally hours online and I was reading through this Rosacea forum when a treatment caught my eye. People were talking about this gel Mirvaso brimonidine topical gel 0.33%, you put it on and your face nearly immediately turned pale. I thought REALLY!!! NO WAY!!! I googled it and found the official website and started reading.

Oh my god look at the pictures, this women has applied the gel and all her redness has disappeared. I read about the clinical trials there were 1210  participants, in a one year trial and they continued to receive consistent results in reduced facial blushing. I read the official site from top to bottom, upside-down left and right I WANTED Mirvaso in my life NOW!!!!

I got straight on my mobile and arranged a doctors appointment, saw my usual doctor the next day. I had to explain what Mirvaso Gel was, he quickly checked his computer and was apprehensive about giving me a prescription for it but he gave in. It isn’t cheap either it costs the NHS around £50 I think so GP’S can be slightly hesitant in giving it to you.

Anyway, I got straight to the chemists, but of course, they didn’t have Mirvaso it had to be ordered in. It took a whole week then I got the phone call its HERE!!!!!

This is my shiny tube of Mirvaso 🙂

Mirvaso Gel

I raced home with the images of those pale looking people on the Mirvaso website running through my mind soon it shall be I.:-) As soon as I got through the door, I ran upstairs to the bathroom ripped the packaging open and excitedly and VERY quickly scanned over the instructions.

Yep, Pea size spread over face, don’t over-apply, watch for reverse reaction BLAH BLAH BLAH….just get on my face Mirvaso gel.

So the moment came, pea size on my finger I gently worked it over my worst areas cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. It felt good to refreshing and cool on my face although it made my face feel tight, then I sat there staring at the mirror. Nothing for a bit, so I carried on with my usual tasks in the house, with the constant urge to look in any mirror I could find.

So then I looked in the mirror after about 30 minutes and OMG my face it was normal there was NO redness. It was like a miracle it really was pale, maybe even a little to pale but I LOVED it I was normal.

OMG!!!!! OMG!!!! UNBELIEVABLE 25 YEARS AND MY FACE WAS NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had found it the blushing cure I had yearned for, searched for cried for despaired for it was HERE!!!!

I can’t describe how I felt, well I can…..

mirvaso gel


It was great my closest friends were saying you look different Zach, have you done something to your face. I just grinned and said no nothing I am just feeling good.

Life was good the red face curse was finally over. 🙂

Then it all came crashing down two weeks later 🙁

The first time I noticed it when the effects of the Mirvaso Gel were wearing off my normal baseline red looked redder than normal and I felt really hot in the face. I started to apply two lots of Mirvaso a day then three times to reduce the baseline red. But as soon as the gel wore off I was redder and felt hotter in the face than I had ever felt.

With MASSIVE regret I stopped Mirvaso, but to my horror, the baseline red was still there I was literally red the entire time and more red than I had EVER been.

It was then that I decided to research Mirvaso Gel negative results and it returned the phrase I talk about here Mirvaso Rebound. There were pages of horror stories, so I decided to stop and now had a long road of recovery ahead of me.

Even now my baseline red is still redder than it used to be, it has calmed down but I am too hesitant to try Mirvaso ever again. It was such a shame but not I have addressed the psychological part of my blushing I blush so little compared to what I used to.

I have to say though Mirvaso wouldn’t be in business if the gel was that terrible, the negative comments I read online although pages long could be just a small percentage of people Mirvaso negatively affected. There could be thousands upon thousands of satisfied customers. Also, it’s two years since I had Mirvaso Gel so it may well be improved, there is a lot more information on their official site now.

The prescribing advice has been updated, there are warnings about the Mirvaso rebound and what to do if your redness increases. Health care professionals are more fully trained to give the BEST advice on how to use Mirvaso Gel and the advice given is that Mirvaso Gel worsens symptoms for 16% of patients.

All I want to say is just be careful I had a negative experience with Mirvaso Gel that’s not to say you will. Below are a few positive and negative Mirvaso Gel reviews.

Take care



Mirvaso (brimonidine) for Rosacea: “I applied this cream as directed for four days before accidentally forgetting to apply it on the fifth day. By lunchtime of this day, my face had turned purple, with huge welts across my face. My face was also burning and stinging. I also had a thumping headache, stomach upset and ectopic heartbeats.

It took me a few hours before I realized it was a rebound effect from the Mirvoso cream. I then searched reviews of this cream online and was horrified to find hundreds of people who had had the exact same experience as me. I was then terrified that my skin would not return to normal. I spent two further nights with Sudocrem all over my face while it burned throughout the day and night. Even a week later, my skin has not completely returned to normal. It is much redder and is still burning.”

Mirvaso (brimonidine) for Rosacea: “Only got this gel last week. After there days of using it my face flared up. My cheeks and nose have been burning for two days now. I am so embarrassed at work. Despite the expense of the cream, I have stopped using it immediately. I also had a splitting headache and a racing heartbeat. I hope the burning will go away. I feel so stupid for not reading reviews in advance, I simply trusted a clinician.”

Mirvaso (brimonidine) for Rosacea: “I used this cream 3 months ago for persistent mild redness on one cheek. I used it only for 3 days and noticed it made no difference either way, so I decided to stop. That day I developed my first flush. It was all over my face even though I’d applied the cream to one cheek only.

For 3 days after that I had constant severe burning, stinging and heat. A nurse said I had a bad chemical burn. Since then, my skin hasn’t been the same. I had never had heat or flushing before and I now have it nearly every evening for no identifiable reason, plus anytime I get hot, stressed or being out in the cold.

It happens across both cheeks, nose, and sometimes forehead – it is very hot. I worry that my skin will deteriorate further since the flushing is now persistent and never existed before I used this. I regret my decision every day.”

For Rosacea: “Do not use. At first it worked really well and I thought I had found a miracle treatment. But after a week, the flush was worse then when I started and it’s at random times.”

Mirvaso (brimonidine) for Rosacea: “My dermatologist gave me samples of Mirvaso. I’m sure glad I didn’t pay for this horrible, damaging cream. Like others, it worked great for me at first. But the rebound has been absolutely awful – so much worse than the original redness. I really wish I had read reviews before trying it. Hopefully others will be wiser than I and see all of these horror stories before suffering the same fate. If you’re thinking of trying Mirvaso, don’t! Just don’t.”


I cannot judge how successful this product has been in dealing with my Rosacea, but I do know I feel more comfortable using it than I would if I wasn’t using it. As I have been told by several skin specialists my mind makes the problem worse, this Mirvaso helps to deal with that.

Brilliant product works while it is on, but when conditions flares u might have reapplied after 12 hours but reduces redness very quickly on application.

really takes away the redness i experience every day and I’ve not had any problems with it at all – a lifesaver for me!

Starts fantastic but after it has worn off the flushing gets worse than originally. You either have to keep using or cease using it, well that was my experience. I will still use on occasions though. I do not need to use it all the time as flushing clinically mild anyway.

works wonders for me, i do get a backlash where my face flares if i have overexerted or hot room, but i manage this…i am very fair-skinned and ruddy complexion – applying this can make me white as a sheet and coming in from a windy cold day would be one of the worst triggers and i can be still white…..

it is confidence ensuring product but for me, the pain benefit is when my face gets red and hot it is extremely painful…..hardly any pain….couldn’t get it from my local doctor as they said it is a cosmetic product,